Teaching Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate; respect all, fear none.

Teaching Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate; respect all, fear none.


(832) 736 2631



Blue Raven Kenpo Karate is an independent organization/school begun by Todd Agers in 2021. The school was started based on Mr. Agers' love and passion for the Kenpo System and desire to instruct and inspire a new generation of practitioners. Mr. Agers provides Kenpo classes through D. Bradley McWilliams YMCA at Cypress Springs. This has allowed Mr. Agers to teach in the excellent facilities the YMCA has to offer and focus on providing the best instruction possible to students while minimizing costs to students.


While Blue Raven teaches and promotes American Kenpo Karate as its 'base system,' the studio believes in the tremendous value and benefit that may be gained through the study of other systems (e.g., cross-training) and in appreciating perspectives and experiences shared with us through guest instructors. The core of our philosophy is achieving excellence in our Kenpo application through proper instruction, discipline, respect, kindness, and hard work in our training.


Facilitating the belief in cross-training, Blue Raven Kenpo will occasionally schedule an ohana to bring in guest instructors to provide insight into other systems including, but not limited to, various Filipino styles, Jiu-Jitsu, and judo. The timing of when these ohanas will be held will vary, being dependent upon the Instructors' schedules and commitments outside of the martial arts/sciences.
The meaning behind "ohana" translates to "family". These sessions and seminars will be held with that translation in mind: a gathering of like-minded individuals to share insights, enjoy one another's camaraderie, and expand our knowledge in ways that can make our Kenpo better, and help it to evolve both in ourselves and as a System.For more information on the dates and times of Ohana, check the schedule.